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RE: The Basics of Basic Income

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

Alaska in the United States already has a pretty good model. It's called the Alaska Permanent Fund and it pays a dividend to all citizens of Alaska. Under this model it does not require redistributive means to produce a basic income and in the United States this would be more plausible to implement under libertarian social norms.

In my opinion the best way to produce basic income is to leverage automation and pay a dividend. Either a on a state by state level or a national level. The purpose of this dividend would be not just to help resolve technological unemployment (currently millions of truck drivers are facing replacement by self driving vehicles) but also because by having a national or state level dividend you can unite the people within the United States along economic lines. Currently people fight over money and politically are divided specifically because people are all invested in different stuff. We simply do not share a stake in America's future but a universal basic dividend would change that overnight.

Stakeholder analysis can be conducted today and would reveal how some Americans are invested heavily in the future of the nation while other Americans don't own a single stock. In fact around 50% of Americans don't own any stock in any company. A shared dividend would have a similar effect on the country that it has on crypto communities and it would create unity around shared stake which according to game theory might actually be a way to bring a country together.

The key is to base the universal basic income on growth rather than on redistribution. There are several options we have in the crypto community which don't exist in the political community. For example Solarcoin exists and if you think about it the perfect way to generate a basic income could be through distributed generation of renewable energy. Energy is work and renewable energy is a form of real wealth which the crypto community is starting to tokenize. Tokenization of solar energy, wind, and other forms, along with distributed generation, can allow for basic income to be distributed to all who produce new energy in the form of crypto tokens.

As technology gets better we will be able to farm energy distribution and automation. Automation requires the energy in order to produce any value or do anything at all. So if automation does the work this is still fine. In addition we will have intelligent agents that directly act on our behalf so when you think of the big picture basic income will become easy when the basis for it is automation and renewable energy rather than taxing the wealthy.

In summary

  1. You can produce basic income without using redistributive methods like tax which means libertarians can avoid violating the NAP.
  2. You can leverage automation and through distributing automation widely you will allow people to farm intelligent agents and robots which will be able to pay tribute to them.
  3. You can leverage distributed generation of renewable energy and tokenize energy so that the actual wealth which is the energy itself can become money. This would allow people to mine the sun, the wind, or other renewable resources, and sell it back to the grid in exchange for a basic income. Decentralize access to energy, automation, and through ubiquitous access to these resources basic income can come from robot labor rather than human labor. AI which will not mind paying taxes because it will be programmed to want to.
  4. As a side effect you can unite a community, a city, a state, or a country around shared stake in some cases.

