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RE: The Politics of Negative Voting

in #politics9 years ago

And this may be the source of the confusion. There used to be a downvote in the UX and people were okay with it when it looked like it was a downvote. Now it looks like its an anti-abuse flag but people (whales) are using it as a downvote.

So which philosophy should we be following?


Yeah, I do think the old downvote is a big source of the confusion. Most everyone uses the interface, so I see that code as "the law" which matters. The deliberate change in the interface indicates a purposeful change in the meaning of the action. The downvote was prior to the reputation system, prior to all of someone's blog posts being greyed out by default if someone revenge flagged them (which happened today, but was thankfully reversed after some direct dialogue).

I may be overreacting (as claimed above). Maybe the community is fine with others flagging in response to things they don't like, or because they got caught doing something wrong, or because they feel like showing their opinions in a way which decreases someone else's payout and reputation score. I personally think that approach will lead to a downward spiral of negativity. I much prefer an upward, positive approach where everyone lifts everyone else.