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RE: The Divide & Conquer Of Identity Politics & Electronic Thought Ghettos

in #politics7 years ago

I like your multi-angled approach... I never really thought about how that mindset actually equates oppression with virtue... the more you're perceived to be marginalized the more value your opinions must have... a strange correlation to make, to say the least... it means we're no longer objectively assessing IDEAS, and putting all the weight on the MESSENGER rather than the message...
I see much soul in your assessment of this subject... 2 days ago my latest post was exactly on this topic, from a different point of view... If you get a chance please have a read HERE , and share your thoughts...


Hey @darcturian Thanks for taking the time to read and leave such a thoughtful comment my friend, I really appreciate it. It's a strange paradox we find ourselves in and we seem to hand virtue away before we even hear the message. Conversely we refuse to listen to the message of those whose face or ideas don't fit our world view .. even if they're right! To even speak out about such things seems to anger certain people these days. Society has become so used to labels that once others step outside these parameters they are ridiculed and pulled back into line, we have become the judges in the law courts of mind and perception. I'm very much into the exploration of mind, body and soul, thanks for the link I look forward to reading your post tonight.