
Everyone wants to yell 'Take away the guns!' when mass shootings occur.

The fact is, technically any form of gun control is unconstitutional. I believe we should have some checks & balances implemented.

With that said, we need to start asking 'Why' when it comes to these mass shootings. The individual who carried out the crime must take responsibility.

To always make the conversation about gun control is covering up the real problem - the real reason these mentally ill individuals make the decision to commit such a horrendous act.

How many people die in prisons every year? The most heavily restricted and controlled environment in the country.

People who want to commit acts of violence will find a way. Always have.
Just look at Britian... Their banning kitchen knives. What's next? Forks? Pointy Sticks? Rocks?

Jack the Ripper didn't need guns.

Amy #Schumer is a gun control nut because she is related to crooked politician Chuck Schumer, one of the biggest advocates for restricting gun rights.