This is one of the very few things I agree with Yang on. Not so much because I am a big Trump fan as because it is transparently obvious that the whole impeachment issue is purely a political move. The Democrats investigate, investigate, investigate for almost four years. Accusations vary along the way but they finally impeach him for reasons different that what the original investigation was for and is timed to coincide with the beginning of the campaign for the next election. Then they decide not to deliver the articles of impeachment to the senate (at least not yet) for superficial reasons because they know Trump would be acquitted. There's no war. The House impeaches and the Senate holds the trial and determines the outcome as per the Constitution. The Democrats are just keeping things in limbo in order to use it as a campaign issue and because an acquittal would look bad for them.
Of course, it makes it that much harder to trust Yang given that he is part of the same political party where this behavior appears to be policy. Ultimately, if he opposes party policy, he will never be allowed to win the party's nomination anyway. The party will rig the primary with rules such that he can't possibly win. We've seen that sort of behavior from both parties time and time again. The DNC's behavior towards Bernie Sanders and the GOP's behavior towards Ron Paul are just two recent examples.
Glad to see a fellow Yang Ganger! <3