As a cultural norm, the Incas practiced human sacrifice, to appease their Gods in times of uncertainty. This was not the only culture that practiced human sacrifice. The Celts of Ireland, Mongols, and early Egyptians also adopted this practice as a cultural norm.

Canadian culture demands as a norm that you need to be a hockey fanatic. There is a fifth season. It is called Hockey Season.
In Yulin, they skin about 10,000 dogs alive every year, cook them, and eat them, as a cultural norm for that small corner of China.

In Finland, you can't fit in unless you adapt to local culture. Naked saunas with your business buddies. Similar to golfing in the US, but culturally different in important ways. LOL

A couple of the cultural examples above are just EVIL. Pure and simple, unadulterated EVIL.
The practice of human sacrifice by the Incas is a cultural norm that any rational modern society would not want to incorporate or include.
The practice of torturing, cooking and eating dogs as practiced by some Chinese in Yulin is a cultural norm that any rational modern society would not want to incorporate or include.
A couple of the cultural examples above are unique and perhaps unusual but generally benign. If you want to learn to play hockey or enjoy naked saunas, go for it. No harm. No foul.
Culture is the set of expected social behavior and norms found in a human society.
There is a culture where the cultural norm requires that "the people of Lot" must be killed. Throw them off high buildings and then stone them. The LGBTs. This culture requires "out of compassion" that all sodomites and lesbians need to be killed - in the most gruesome manner possible. Do you remember Orlando?
There is a culture where the cultural norm is husbands should hit and control their wives by any means necessary, in the face of highhandedness or disobedience.
There is a culture where the cultural norm is thieves have their hands cut off.
There is a culture where the cultural norm is adulteresses must be stoned to death.
There is a culture where the cultural norm is aggressive jihad. This culture has been steadily growing and expanding over the last 100 years, as jihad progresses and the infidels are slowly killed or displaced.
Would you want to be part of the Inca culture?
Would you want to be part of the Chinese culture in Yulin province?
If you answered no, the implication is you understand that some cultures are backward and evil. Some culture are left over from the 7th century or the 15th century or a forgotten back water of the 19th century; and have no place in the modern world.
So is it OK to say that the world would be better off if some of the current cultures no longer existed ?
Best way to get to that desired outcome?
Make sure that current leaders of the EVIL cultures never get nuclear weapons.
Make sure that the entire population across all cultures, get full access to information, the internet, blockchain, and full access to STEEM !!
If the world doesn't get blown up by religious wingnuts in the next 50-60 years, the backward and evil cultures will fade into dust as the younger generations turn away from their elders.
Be positive.
The 21st century looks a lot brighter for a lot more people, than anyone could have expected back in the 7th century.
So which culture has been bombing the middle east for twenty years?
First attempt to topple World Trade Towers failed in 1993. Tensions have been high in the region since at least 1948.
So I don't think you meant 20 years. You probably meant 70 years.
But even so, most recent 70 years can't explain 1300 years.
Thanks for reading