Something stinks!! Trump administration is still protecting Clinton's emails. Say what ???

in #politics7 years ago

Aug 31, 2017.  A federal judge ordered the FBI on Thursday to disclose more details about how it handled its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s many secret email accounts.

U.S. District Judge Boasberg said court papers describing the grand jury subpoenas the FBI obtained to compel information from Mrs. Clinton’s internet service providers should be made public.

In doing so, he overruled objections by the Trump administration that had insisted that making the information public could violate grand jury secrecy rules. 

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, said he didn’t understand why the Trump administration was still backing the Obama administration’s fight against transparency in this case.

“President Trump ought to be outraged that his appointees are protecting Hillary Clinton,” Mr. Fitton said. “The State Department should initiate action with the Justice Department. Both agencies should immediately take the necessary steps to recover all the government emails Hillary Clinton unlawfully removed and deleted.”

This latest revelation about the Trump administration trying to stop information disclosure about Hillary Clinton emails comes on top of news from July that the General Counsel for the FBI is suspected of being one of the sources of all the FBI leaks that have been occurring since Trump took power.

A July report in Circa cites three officials claiming that FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is the “top suspect” in an investigation into leaks of classified Department of Justice information to the media.

The report claims the investigation is “criminal” in nature. FBI General Counsel Baker is reportedly a “close ally” of ousted FBI Director James Comey, who appointed him to his current post as the top attorney representing the FBI. 

Something smells rotten in Washington.  Beyond the normal rotten smell.

Why haven't Sessions and McCabe made more progress in cleaning up the politicized dysfunctional mess in the FBI, that was left behind by Obama and his hired cronies Loretta Lynch and James Comey?

Why isn't the swamp draining moving forward with a faster pace?




I tried, so very hard. I put all my efforts and I did everything I could to be genuinely shocked...but I just can't.

Just remember, Donald Trump was friends with the Clintons for YEARS. Donald Trump donated more money to Democrats than Republicans for years. [Caveat: He did mention once that he only bribes people who were easy to buy.]
Just because Donald Trump put on a good show of "Hillary Clinton is our enemy." does NOT mean that he ever believed it.


That's Bush and Clinton at Nancy Reagan's funeral. What bitter enemies they must be. Remember all the mean things she said about him (for political points)?

I will say again as I have said to my Trumpian friends: I won't trust him until 2021, with Hillary Clinton in prison and the country turned around from our catastrophic course.

That doesn't mean I oppose him. I just sit quietly in the middle, waiting. Though things like this push me gently towards opposition.

Did anyone really believe that Rex Tillerson and Jeff Sessions could be trusted? Or McMaster? those POS's should be swinging from the gallows.

I have to admit that I was hoping the new crew under Trump would be a major upgrade compared to the POS's that Obama had in some posts.

At the rate that Trump is running through people in different posts, perhaps his second round of picks will be an improvement?

On balance I still believe Trumps picks are superior to Obamas. Mostly all adults, without a chip on their shoulders from day one.

I agree with your assessment here. They have mostly been more adult, for sure. There are a few people I would like to see out, but it's still pretty damn early too. Whenever I feel hope for a politician, my memory takes hold of my emotion and throws a cold cup of water in it's face, so I am always divided. On the one hand I expect them to fail me, and be a complete disgrace. On the other, if they don', that would feel SOO good!

I hate to say "I hope..." but that's really what it comes to... I hope that round 2 is more in line with the interests of America, and barnacles like Mnuchin are scraped off this US vessel.

I think the FBI is trying to cover up some ugly, not Trump.

Great post @davebrewer! Upvoted and resteemed

Something strange going on in and around everything the FBI touches. Makes you wonder if some foreign agency doesn't have some blackmail material on key people inside the FBI?

@rtdcs Jeff Session is also. He pretends not to be a part of the establishment but he definitely is. He has been a U.S. Senator for 20 years. He's no outsider.

Nice post . Nice writing .... Can I resteem it ?

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:-) Thanks . i resteem it

I feel like he's trying to use it against her , he's waiting for the right time and place and then unleash it to the media. Government has always been corrupt

I was thinking the same - he may be holding all the Hillary dirt for now - and he can let it all go public as we get closer to the next election.

What's more apparent now, than ever, @davebrewer, is that the top level of our government is more concerned about themselves than any of the people they purport to represent. Big Government protects itself, no matter which side of the aisle one sits on.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. It just makes sense that large institutions work hardest to preserve themselves. Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts, absolutely.

Great post; I have followed you. Feel free to follow back. Good luck on Steem!

The people you are referring to are "deep state". The long-time career bureaucrats that are often more interested in their career than serving the public.

Trump promised to drain the swamp. He may have underestimated the number of alligators that are going to fight to keep the swamp exactly as it is

No one gets to be a billionaire without some skeletons in the closet, perhaps Mr Trump has enough sense to know that now he got elected, it's better not to rock the boat, and not raise awkward questions that may start unpredictable chains of events.

Enough good sense not to rock the boat doesnt sound a lot like the Trump we see on daily basis.

He seems to like to regularly rock the boat, as a political strategy.

Of course he may show some discretion on this particular Hillary point, perhaps he knows he has some exposures in that area?

Yes exactly, pissing politicians off at home to get elected, and pissing off the international community with daft contradictory tweets is one thing.
Setting a precedent of uncovering shady dealings though, is entirely another; Mr Trump didn't get his power and wealth by being a nice guy, no-one does. And while he may seem chaotic at times, he has enough sense not to drain his own swamp.

Another excellent post @davebrewer

To me, this is no great surprise. Personally, I feel much of the right-left debate is for us, the people. My feeling is that individuals at this level in the government all protect each other. Hence, what seems outlandish to us makes perfect sense to them.

Think about it this way, Trump has found himself in a bit of hot water over certain things with the election. Whether he did or did not know anything, life is easier if nobody is really looking. Hillary is still a powerful person among the Democrats. Her allegiance cannot hurt Trump at all. Is it a quid pro quo? Probably just more business as usual.

In closing, it isnt so much right versus left as it is us versus them. The electorate is not concerned about that constituents except how it can help them get re-elected. Outside of that, it is special interests.

Thanks for reading and commenting. Perhaps Trump has all the Hillary emails and he is intentionally holding, so they can be released before the next election?

That could be true also.

One thing about people in office, their number #1 priority is to get re-elected. Hence, your view would place higher on the hierarchical chain.

No matter what the incentive, to me, this is just another example how transparency is limited and pre-determined.

i think trump has no control over his administration,maybe they dont like him

He seems to be struggling to get control of the embedded career bureaucrats that have been in place for decades

It mqy bring down 1/2 the government for the possible betrayal and exposure to the cabal/deep state.

I was willing to let myself have hope about Trump, but I will not be blindly loyal. I have not trusted him for quite some time. It may be that he is compromised, but I think he is just another crony. On the bright side, the monkeys in the circus are putting on a really good show this time... At least our taxes are buying some quality actors!

Perhaps he is holding the Hillary emails, and they will all be released before the next election?

Did you see the Martin Shkreli kerfuffle last week? He is supposedly at Trump Tower with lots of dirt on Hillary, including genetic? Maybe just trolling, but very odd way to troll. But then, nothing... why would you sit on this kind of stuff with WW3 being fomented as hard as possible? Lock the creepy elites UP already!

Wow! Nice read thanks. I did resteem.

Thanks for reading and resteem

I'm so glad to see great posts like this here! Being awake can be a lonely thing sometimes. It's incredible how ignorant and blind so many people STILL are....STILL drinking the blue or the red Kool-Aid as if any of what these corrupt politicians said was true or meant something. NO ONE --not even Bernie-- is truly committed to the people. Greed is an addiction and the 1% is hooked.

Here's the Wikileaks article in detail:

Bernie makes interesting comments about millionaires, for a person that is one himself and owns three houses. Not exactly middle class

He may not be a "yuge" millionaire, but he's got a whole lot more than most of us. I really don't mind the concept of being a millionaire, it's just the hypocrisy I can't stand!

You are right @davebrewer, from this story there has been a long rotten smell, I wonder how they themselves have not bothered to delve into dirty underwear :)

It is unclear why Trump protect Hilary from the public. Is it that she has some dirt on Trump?

Or Trump is saving the dirt on Hillary to announce closer to the next election.

That would imply a level of self control and self discipline by Trump that would be different than his normal behavior.

Politics by trump and its administration is not so huge control
Nice writing @davebrewer

Thanks for sharing that informationVery nice writing @davebrewer on trump and clinton

and it is normal after losing the election so, this must be his face, without 1 kilo of makeup

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Sorry; I do not think there are going to be any drained swamp..At least not in DC. Besides, Trump & the Clintons have been close friends for years. Politically they are both big governments statists.

There should be no surprise, Obama told us all in November of last year that the swamp would stay full and healthy, not matter what Trumps intentions were. He was telling the truth, at least on this occasion.

Lee Camp covered this at the time. Obama's comment at ~2:15 into the segment.

he will take a smart move at this just wait for it ;)

Sounds like some political games going on there lol. Do you know if that pic of Hillary is real or photoshoppped? Its just horrible to look at o.O

I've been pretty disappointed in Trump so far. I know it's hard to move things through the House and the Senate especially with the lifers in the establishment wanting to protect the status quo.

Regarding Hilary and the people protecting her...maybe the people protecting her don't want to end up in a missing person report / dead. Just my two cents. That's the only decent reason I could think of. If it's not that, something definitely stinks.

Whenever I see her face all I see is pure evil.