
The truth is ... Trump thought it was an Ethnic Lawyer.

Once Trump realized his mistake, he said "You're Fired"

everyone is going to leave him...your way of talking is awesome .

At some point, even the most corrupt in the #DishonestDonald circle give up! LOL!


realy, i'm Shocked.

The real shock is that Trump HAD AN ETHICS LAWYER

Bahahaha! If he didn't quit, he should definitely be fired. I haven't seen much ethical behaviour out of Trump..

Trump thought it was an Ethnic Lawyer.....

I'd be getting a huge kick out of this administration if I didn't have to take it seriously. Unfortunately, we elected this guy to be president. My opinion of our country's collective intelligence has plummeted. I wish I could laugh.

saludos excelente perfil!!

Thank you for this article I follow you from today I hope you will help me if you can

Honestly This post wants my tooth out😂

    Ethnic lawyer my foot lol

"Draining the Swamp!" they'll say :|