
Since he's standing next to Native Americans he thought of "Pocahontas." And since he's a buffoon with no filter, he blurted it out. I can only imagine what those poor vets were thinking.

Sad thing is, I don't think he is acting. he is simply being #DishonestDonald


Can you imagine if Obama were this blatantly disrespectful of veterans? Right wingers would be absolutely furious. But no, Trump can do no wrong in their eyes.

Technical difficulty: David Pakman's voice seems to alternate between loud and quiet all of the sudden in this video. Anyone experience this problem or is it just me??

I noticed an audio problem as well.

He would flip shit on Twitter if someone said racist towards him

The cringe is strong with this one.

Thank you for this article I follow you from today I hope you will help me if you can

Oh my god this is so cringe-worthy, the look on the man's face tells it all. Sad.

An old guy at work just today explained it away as trump saying whatever comes to mind, not getting the Warren reference at all. I don't think a large portion of the population have time to follow the depth of trumps stupidity and disgracefulness. trump is going to try to Gish Gallop the entire 4 years.

I wouldn't have to say much because the shape of his mouth has explain it all😲.
But sincerely speaking, could he really mean acting like an idiot???

He dislikes everyone equally. Similar to Archie Bunker.

Good Post 👍👍👍

Jesus! F-ing Christ. I miss when you weren't on steemit and I didn't have to see this stupid everyday. Like wtf!?


All I can say is wow

😀😀😀 😀😀😀 ⤵⤵⤵
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