Michele Bachmann Asking God If She Should Run For Senate

in #politics7 years ago

Yep, she might be coming back to politics. Depraved, truly. My question is, what advice has god given her in the past, and did she follow it...and how did it work out for her?


I had always thought it would be difficult to surpass Sarah Palin in terms of stupidity and ignorance, but Michele Bachmann seems determined to hold that Throne.

God has more serious business to think about, not politics of imperfect humans

My thoughts EXACTLY

You'd think God would just run for Senate...why use people?

I love the idea of god creating the universe to aspire to becoming a Senator.

can't he just have more immaculately conceived children and get them to do it? Feel like doing it in person would be a little too spooky for some

Wait a garsh darned minute, did this gal just argue her calling from god was demonizing a program that got rid of preexisting conditions being an exclusion from health insurance.

I guess I do remember that story where Jesus charged that guy $4k per eye to rub spit mud in them.

Well yeah. Horrible, right?

The repubs sure do attract all the sideshow clowns in the country. When they say they're a "big tent" party, they really mean it. Clowns, freaks, carny folk, religious quacks ... they have the whole bunch.

I think the left will undoubtedly show up in Minnesota. If homegirl Bachmann wants to run she will probably make the left look at lot more sensible.

God might say she should run for senate only because it will be funny to watch her lose.

verry good

she is really run from senate @davidpakman

Veery good 👍

Good question...you see,we humans tend to involve God in irrelevant things..just to gain our selfish interest. Probably using God to win her place back..and to get people to support her..people whom are religious

When religious celebrities like this say that kind of thing it really means they are waiting for their supporters to send them lots of money. That is their way of saying god spoke to them.

What do you expect from those who feel that murdering an innocent pays for their crimes?

What does the US Constitution tell her?

I am grateful for your interesting sharing