Should it be easier to qualify for Presidential debates?

in #politics7 years ago

There's no question that the current system is meant to benefit the two party duopoly of Democrats and Republicans, but how might the system be changed to allow more voices while not leading to a 20-way presidential debate?


I hardly know the election system in the United States. But I carefully followed the course of the election campaign of Trump and Clinton. It seems to me that everything in the election campaign always solves money. The one who spends the most is who will be the winner.

There is a difference in mentality first there was diplomatic strategies must be considered. You must not rush into adopting resolutions retro

We definitely need to get some new ideas and new blood in there somehow. There are so few debates that each moment is potentially "take or break", though, and if we had a bunch of third party candidates in there, we'd see some real wackos get significant percentages of the vote.

I'd like to see some more diverse types of debates and more of them with various rules and participants - make it fresh and interesting. Also lacking in the US two-party domination is any sort of proportional representation, which is another way to get new ideas into the legislative process.


This is not exclusive to the US. Very good your analysis. There is also a lack of openness and a more effective participation of the population. It is a very centralized system, as in Brazil. They should decentralize more power. As you say, we need more democracy! not this false democracy.

@davidpakman, this is a topic not for new years eve! there are so many facets that must be analyzed to properly respond to the challenge. Local, state and federal rules that install the barriers to entry need to be attached and revised. If the "duopoly" were corporations, the FTC would sue them for anti-competitive practices. Its not only qualify for the debates but the structure (format) and moderator (should there even be one or just a stop watch). Also, as you noted, the power of the "duopoly" also extends to format control and who the moderator is.

Debate is needed to get the best president figure. Candidates who have good vision and mission are those who deserve to be president. yeDan most important is to be able to fulfill the promise during the campaign.

I should believe it should get easier. There are more persons /leaders that are qualified

Equal time for each if they make it to the stage for sure. Agree with you regarding lowering the threshold to get onto the stage. But I also question, the process in order to get on each of the states’ ballots in the first place. For example what is the cost? Is it too high for normal folks?

i would say it easier so far you have a greater motive to serve and protect, and great ideologies that could do away with the old ones and make the world a better place

I'm not too sure that debates sway as many people the way we hope they do, Trump was TERRIBLE in the debates, everyone I knew thought so, on both sides.

i would say it easier so far you have a greater motive to serve and protect, and great ideologies that could do away with the old ones and make the world a better place. the same idea

Maybe, the problem.... Is that the elected officials are truly representing the public.. The public has to change... In the age of Kanye's and How 'bout dah's... Is it any wonder that our politicians are garbage? One senator in particular refers to herself as "the queen"..... I don't know about you, but I thought we left royalty...

Good job buddy👍@davidpakman

It hardly matters when the "debates" are just non-stop streams of partisan talking points.

I guess America should also rebrand the election system to give more opportunities to new political parties to take on the traditional Democrats and Republicans.

The main rule that prevented other candidates on the stage was the polling qualification. Other rules such as being on enough State ballots to receive 270 electoral votes are in place. That would limit the on stage contenders. The Libertarian Party Johnson/Weld Ticket should have been in the debates. Green Party Jill Stein as well. The Debate commission used in accurate polls (excluded 18-35 yrs) to keep others off. It takes a lot of work to get on most State ballots and being on enough for 270 should be auto-inclusion to televised debates.