Trump Believes Vladimir Putin Over US Intel Agencies

in #politics7 years ago

Who do you believe?

Posted to youtube on 2017-11-14 with this description :

--Donald Trump sides with Russian President Vladimir Putin over his own US intelligence agencies, trusting that the Russians did not meddle in the 2016 US presidential election and saying that Putin "tells [him] that, he means it"


Because a former high-ranking KGB officer would never spread disinformation?

US politics is the best reality show on earth!

Now where is my popcorn?

Sir add me your group

turms is the best hero

hmmm i don"t know

Trump comes from a business world that everyone flatters and sucks up to each other to fulfill their grandiose egos. Putin plays him like a fiddle and Trump is caught between everything he has ever known and politics. He is incapable of change, which is why we see this and why it is always praise Putin, then backtrack. It is his first instinct.

yes I believe

Who knows the whole story, he might side with him while face to face but what happens behind closed doors is a different story.

Considering the sources, I will side with our intelligence agencies over Putin/Trump every day of the week, including twice on Sunday.

Are you sure

Its all too shady and above all how to trust any of them after all they are all politicians.

let's live amicably and respect each other while our tsars are at war, all this policy is similar to a dirty serial

Very nice

its truth

LOL I see what David brings... it's going to be entertaining.

Even if Russia did interfere. The reaction is so comical.
US foreign policy openly interfered all over the world.
Yet when it's reversed. No butt cream is able to stop the hurt.

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