
It’s their business. They can do what they want. Same as your home. The business is their property just like a home is your property. If you don’t want whoever to come to your house...guess what? You have that right. Should be the same for business!

Actually no, a business open to the public has restrictions under the business license it operates under. If they want to put such a sign on their private home that's "their business".

Businesses could put up "No white fat men allowed or served" signs and let's see how the GOP likes that.
The president certainly supports religious liberty and that's something he talked about during the campaign and has upheld since taking office," Sanders replied.

When pressed on whether that included support for signs that deny service to gay people, Sanders responded: "I believe that would include that."

“Unfortunately, at our store, our religion prohibits us from serving Republicans.”

Republicans are typically cool with discrimination as long as they’re the ones discriminating. As soon as you turn it around and bring up something like Charlottesville it’s “first amendment” this and “government oppression” that

What about signs that say "No Christians Allowed"?

You can't get Donald Trump or a paid professional liar like Sarah Sanders on hypocrisy.

These people flaunt their hypocrisy like a badge of honor.

Someone should put a sign when entering the White House:

- Russian conspirators
- Pedophiles
- Pussy grabbers

As usual, I enjoy your content David. Not sure if it's worth pointing out, but the reporter asked Trumps stance on it being ok for a baker to put a sign that said "we don't bake cakes for gay weddings"..not "for gays". I've had people argue with me that this point matters as (the way they put it) they're not discriminating against people but just not comfortable with what goes on their cake. I wish I had better methods for arguing that this is still full-on discrimination, but it feels like a bit of a gray zone on the logical side of it.

I assume the guy is overcompensating in this case and just doesn't want to have to deal with a bunch of gay couples going in to his shop because it'll make him feel bad about the lie he has been living. Frankly I'd be shocked if when he makes layer cakes he doesn't draw elaborate penises in between the layers that nobody ever sees except for him

You might be on to something there. After all gay people have the best "gaydar", he is just trying to avoid detection.

20 allege Trump sexually assaulted/harassed them. GOP: "Let's make him president!"

9 allege Moore sexually assaulted/harassed them when they were teenagers. GOP: "Let's make him Senator!"

A gay couple wants a wedding cake. GOP: "Whoa! That's going too far!"

At least they gave us the 'sincerely held religious belief' meme. I use it all the time.
It's my sincerely held religious belief that I want more tacos.
It's my sincerely held religious belief that this was a terrible meeting.

And if you’re a tax dodger or money launderer then you get the special booth.

Imagine their reaction to a store getting firebombed because of a "No gay cakes" sign.

Now, imagine their reaction to a store getting firebombed because of a "No Christians" sign.

Wanna move yet?

e President of the United States of America says its okay for businesses to openly discriminate between its customers or put more succinctly, the President of The United States believes there are classes of people who are inferior. This time we're talking about gays, but he has made it clear that being poor, or brown, or non-Christian is also a qualifying factor of inferiority.

I have a gay married couple that I am friends with that voted for Trump, and consistently voted republican. I asked how they could possibly support a party that hated their very existence and they both said “I’m not a one issue voter”. Now, I appreciate not being a one issue voter......but a party that constantly targets any rights that you have, and overall thinks that you are what is wrong with society, doesn’t seem to just be a “one issue” thing

Theoretically. Very few people wrapping themselves in the libertarian flag, especially the "Tea Party" version are anything near close to a real libertarian.

Besides, not caring at all what other people do extends to letting them put whatever signs they feel like on their business. So libertarians are completely okay with "No gays/Jews/n*****s/atheists" signs.

Well I guess that some people see running a business as something much more than a pure financial exchange. They think selling something to a gay person is helping them be gay and encouraging people to be gay. If it was up to them then no one would be gay in their community - they would either be killed, exiled, or have to put on a very good act and not be found out their entire lives - or just join the clergy. Ditto "colored people" would be rounded up and forced into slavery. Since most of those things are illegal now then putting a sign on their door is their own pathetic protest and they don't really care if the lose at least 10% of all business, if not much more.

I like that idea. Reminds me of the people that bought a house across from Westboro Baptist Church and painted it with gay colours, put up a gay flag etc. Good for them and great way to counter hate speech.

But in general I still disagree about business open to the public (vs. private clubs etc.). The ability to run a business and be taxed advantageously is something that communities grant them in exchange for reciprocal favours. One is accommodation. Now if a community wants to change those rules fair enough. It could even say so whatever you want but with no favours from us. But let's see how many business want to keep running if they get zero favours from the government. We'll just go back to individuals working for themselves and not collaborating on anything. Of course now we have gone to the extreme of corporations and their owners running the country so that ain't ever going to happen short of mass rebellion by we the people, and a very large number are to dumbed down and brainwashed to ever consider doing anything their corporate overlords don't bless.

If you are going to be providing a service to the public, you must provide that service regardless of the details of the buyer . The only reasonable exception is that someone is asking to buy something that your not selling. If this baker did not make birthday cakes for anyone, just fancier wedding and religious ceremony cakes, or only offered cakes valued at over $1000, that would not be discriminatory .

I promise you that a "No Heterosexuals Allowed" bakery in my (conservative) town would be sued immediately... double standards I guess.

This can't be happening in a civilized society in 2017. Let's pray for this world.

That depends on your definition of "Civilized Society." We are FAR from that. We are simply violent naked apes. Mere animals with a complicated social structure.

Unfortunately I will have to agree!

Speaking of naked apes...

naked ape

Thank you so much for sharing this great news:)

Absolutely disgusting.

umm... ok...
but how would they know??

That's another great point. Profiling at its best!

Sarah Huckabee Sanders is truly a repulsive person imo

The trump cult's intellectual inconsistencies and hypocrisies are simply...mind numbing. Ugh!