'That's the real red pill, right there. That's the ultimate conspiracy revealed. Not that there's a secret cabal controlling world affairs to ensure world domination, but that there's ultimately no one in the driver's seat at all. '
this is the kind of horse manure someone who's had too many new age memes scroll past their feed might come up with - that or a co-intel plant paid to write mostly against the war machine but not to ultimately give away the truth or get people to take action.
i know because i went through it for a brief phase myself. no, the ultimate 'conspiracy' is that the bible is the only word of truth in this world (despite what you might think about your journalism,) man is evil, rebellious, self-centred and not to be trusted with the reins BUT he most certainly has them atm.
so yes, there is someone in the driving street, they are responsible for the fraudulent banking system which then gives them control over everything else - several families including the rothschilds, schiff/ sieff, lazard, etc. well-documented by frtiz springmeier and many others.
and they will achieve their total technocratic tyranny - so if anyone doesn't want to take the mark of the beast you should plan now on how to survive for a few years outside of the digital currency system - unable to earn or buy.
everything that is taking place right now was prophesied by Jesus, john and daniel 2-2.5 thousand years ago. only the truly cult-programmed wouldn't take notice of that.