Now, let me actually give a response to you.
Corporations are run by individuals. They do not have their own consciousness. Thank you for providing an argument for me. They have the mentality of the individuals running them.
I did not say anywhere that we should dismantle the state. Government causes more issues the bigger they are.
trickle down
Consider this: If everyone was poor at some point (they were) then how can we have rich people. If I start a business as a working-class individual, and become a millionaire, was that trickle-up, or trickle-down.
Additionally, the argument for reducing tax on the rich is for them to expand their business and hire people. This is them investing in the economy, and enabling more trickle-up economics. They purchase labour (making those that sell their labour wealthier).
Reducing tax on the rich IS reducing tax on the poor. In order to run a business, you need profit-margins. Tax doesn't exactly reduce profit. It increases prices. I'm running a business myself, and tax would increase my prices, and not DIRECTLY reduce my profit.
As I need specific profit-margins PER SALE, I would then experience less profit from FEWER PURCHASES. The taxes would reduce how much an average individual can afford, which would also make their standard of living worse.
So taxes cause inflation. Then people such as yourself would advocate for higher minimum-wage and higher taxes. Increasing inflation even further. Eventually, stacked up with other evil socialist policies, would lead to Venezuela's level of inflation.
Daniel Hannan has been a consistent anti-institutionalist.
You aren't grasping that when a government has control of money, it can do what it wants, because it has to have that control to make decisions. Good or bad.
Scandinavian countries might be well-run today. But competence is a limited resource. You essentially made that point yourself. It's temporary. Unless you have a socialist government always in power that also want to be good people and are all competent. This is a dream world. Always assume and prepare for the worst-case scenario.
You did just link an article from the independent, which is essentially the left-wing daily mail.
If standards of living weren't rising, I wouldn't be able to afford a shower every single day. Whereas 50 years ago, a working-class family (such as my mother born in the 60s) in Britain would've washed once a week and shared the bath water. Cleanest person first.
As mentioned in the actual post. Institutions are results-driven. Diplomats measure their success on what they can get for their country and how well they can push their countries agenda. Our's is (for the most part) a peaceful agenda. So really, of course diplomats would do well. Their job is also to create a dialog. Dialog belongs in the category of free speech and a free society. Without dialog, you have violence (North Korea).
Take away my voice, and all I'll have left is my fists
You seem to misunderstand what I'm saying. If you read back, you can see, I am saying that humans behave different, but ultimately, as a group, we're like a hive...
It is the biological and environmental differences that lead to a corrupt society, due to the differences in morality.
The "good" people take control. The "bad" people kill them, or inherit their power in some way, take the power and destroy everything. Or some "good" but incompetent people come along and destroy everything accidentally and can't admit their ideology is wrong (Venezuela).