The US Government is POISONING our CHILDREN!!!!

in #politics8 years ago

I am new to Steemit so most of you guys do not know that my son is on the Autism Spectrum. I have been his advocate for 13 years. He was diagnosed 7/7/03. I remember the day like it was yesterday. I knew that the vaccine had caused his autism but not wanting to be an alarmist I waited for the government to give us their findings. I still warned parents not to put all the chemicals in their baby's bodies. Stagger the shots, wait a little longer. I didn't want to think that our government poisoned our children. But they have! THE GOVERNMENT IS POISONING OUR CHILDREN! I am not a conspiracy theorist. I am a mom. I am so upset, I don't know where to begin. If you haven't seen Vaxxed please do yourself a favor and watch it! This is beyond critical. If you think this election is volatile stop and think about that our government has been covering up the systematic poisoning of our children for DECADES!

I need your help! PLEASE contact your representative. DEMAND these things!
My specific requests to you as my elected Representative are:
That your office encourages Congress to subpoena Dr. William Thompson and investigate the CDC fraud by inquiring into status with Rep. Chaffetz and the OGR,
That Congress repeal the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act and hold manufacturers liable for injury caused by their vaccines.
That Congress puts pressure onto the CDC and Merck so that the single measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine be made available immediately.
That all vaccines be classified as pharmaceutical drugs and tested accordingly.

THIS HAS TO BE DONE TODAY! Not 10 years from now, TODAY!
My son would have never been injured if someone would have done the right thing to start with!

If you need to know who your representatives are then go to


Is it the government or the corporations? Or the people that allow the vaccines to be administered?

Yes a very good question.
The answer is ALL of the above!
Ultimately what is important is not to find someone to blame (which often appears to be so important) but to realize the truth.
Vaccines are dangerous and as for preventing disease or virus there are far more sustainable, safe and healthy solutions. I discuss this often when I speak about health and @gardenofeden provides very accessible simple and effective possibilities!

Good point and excellent questions.

i don't know if this will help. this seems to be a multifaceted problem with many angles of approach for solution. the information is finally getting out, that vaccines are severely damaging many people, in many ways. i find much information also, from people who are working to heal victims of this damage. here is an excellent start :
This site is currently under attack by the federal government. if you are interested in the information, take advantage. it may soon be gone. it seems the feds will continue no matter how many are harmed. there are some articles. most is in the form of sound files that can be downloaded for free. the download links are near the bottom of each page linked from the list. please reply back if you need anymore info.

THANK YOU!!! Carl is now 16 and has worked extremely hard. He is very high functioning. We have been able to work some of the damage out. He still has many issues but I can see light. I can see that he will have a future.

excellent, it sounds like you are having a better outcome than many, with the ever increasing schedule. thank you for sharing, it gives others hope and the knowledge that there are solutions. i wish you well.

How did you know that the vaccine had caused his autism?

See #vaxxed

I didn't see anything there that explains your specific case. Even if we know for certain that smoking causes cancer, that doesn't let us know that for a particular person who smoked and then got cancer, their smoking caused their cancer.

How did you know that the vaccine had caused his autism?

My son did not have any of the symptoms of Autism before his vaccines. Then the next day after his 18 month vaccines he was gone. There was nothing else that happened that day.

Punch "post hoc ergo propter hoc" into your favorite search engine.

Sorry Joel I just came back to the string. Carl made a dramatic change after his shots. That is why we know it was the vaccines. Call has every reaction they talk about with the shots. He runs a fever, he gets hot at the injection site, etc etc. When these little babies have 3 and 4 shots at one time it truly pushes too many chemicals in their bodies.

You hid all the actually relevant information under "etc, etc". If his reactions to the shot was a fever and heat at the injection site, those are very typical reactions that don't necessarily suggest anything else.

Saying he had a dramatic change "after the shots" is an example of post hoc ergo propter hoc. It isn't even evidence of causality, much less justification for believing causality.

"When these little babies have 3 and 4 shots at one time it truly pushes too many chemicals in their bodies." Whether that's true or false, it doesn't justify a belief that a particular thing happened to a particular person. We know smoking increases your risk of cancer, but that doesn't let us say that for a particular person who smoked and then god cancer one caused the other.