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RE: The Capitalists Are Trashing Capitalism. Who Can Stop Them?

in #politics8 years ago

Interesting... and looking forward to seeing what others bring to the discussion.

Last things first... from my perspective, the main issue with decentralization as an ideology is the tendency to get too much fragmentation... everyone who doesn't like the current version can break off and create their own fork. Ultimately, you run the risk of losing ALL benefits of such things as economies of scale and cooperation. For example (extrapolating from current trends) is there actually a functional purpose for having-- let's say-- 100,000 different alt coins?

Otherwise... no real answers. Capitalism tends to become problematic because it doesn't take into account the quality called "human greed." Which soon leads to these huge inequities. Communism... can work OK at the "commune" level, but not as a total societal structure-- not everyone is willing to be part of a system that largely ignores the value of the individual because all that matters is the collective.


Decentralization leads to Bitcoin fiascos and Ethereum getting f- to death! All is not well in the crypto world. The cryptos are not near as apolitical as you would think @denmarkguy.