Sound Money: Deflect & Ignore

Do politicians largely ignore the cost of living problem?

Do they truly feel that the issues they focus on instead are more important than the discussion about the value of money and loss of purchasing power and what might be done about this?

Because with the lack of focus placed on the problem and the policies that breed the problem, it seems like they are either ignorant or purposefully ignoring what is going on for so many.

Could they be ignoring it because they already know that they are never going to stop the policies that are contributing to the problem?

Just keep kicking the can and passing the buck.

They know it will never change so instead of drawing attention to it and enabling millions of people to realize you aren't interested in making things better for them in this circumstance with cost of living, it's better to deflect and focus on other arguably less important issues on a regular basis. But how people are able to afford what sustains their lives, shelter and food, the basics of a civilization, you'd think that would be an important area to focus on.

Even those without fancy economic degrees have recognized that there is a problem with commonly accepted monetary policies around the world today. Loss of purchasing power significantly over time is not a good thing for the majority of people. What problems in society then might these policies breed thanks to the route that fiat currencies inevitably take?

How many have we seen fail and what destruction has been caused along the way?

Even worse than ignoring though perhaps is when they actively engage in gaslighting the public as if they shouldn't be complaining, when their hard work is being squandered before their very eyes through questionable actions and policies. Should everyone just stay entertained and distracted, ignoring the vampires thousands of kms away who are actively engaging in actions that will make life harder for them in multiple ways.

There have been some politicians along the way who have called attention to the issue but these folks are few and they often were ignored largely by the media and didn't receive much attention for what they were saying or proposing.

loss of purchasing power = increased crime and social instability?

What consequences might we see as a result of the worsening conditions thanks to the loss in purchasing power and reduced standard of living that comes as a result? We can learn from areas that have already struggled severely with inflation and hyper inflation throughout history, it doesn't bring about desirable circumstances.

With that loss in purchasing power perhaps we can expect to see:

  • more wealth inequality
  • reduced standards of living
  • more desperation for opportunity
  • more erosion of trust in institutions
  • more political polarization
  • negative economic impact for businesses
  • more social unrest

Eventually who knows how long it might take before seeing some drastic policy adjustments too as "leaders" scramble to fix a problem they arguably caused.