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RE: Trump Says NFL Should Suspend Marshawn Lynch

in #politics7 years ago

The NFL protests have NOTHING to do with the First Amendment OR freedom of speech. The players have no right to protest when they're on the job and in uniform. (Try that with your boss and see how long it takes to get your ass thrown out onto the street.)


Actually it does when it is coming from the President of the United States since you are saying it is a workplace/employer issue.

The President of the US does not interact with companies over who should be suspended or fired. The NFL is a private business of which the President has no control over.

The NFL only recently decided that players needed to go stand outside during the playing of the anthem as part of a paid "patriotism" push. Symbolic patriotism is not part of the job of a football player. Could the NFL, as an employer, theoretically compel standing as part of the "performance" aspect of football? Probably, but they are not likely to do so which still leaves open the question of what business does Trump have interfering with private employment?

Fuck all these Liberals. I live in Central America and if anybody wants to protest the anthem they better have not their grandmother alive because she is going to be fucked.
Don't be such loosers and realize that there needs to be discipline and order in every society.
And common sense