WARNING: I don't have reverence for evil, or stupidity which yields itself to evil; prepare for the mockfest!
(A Fair Disclaimer for the dominion-seeking noob: Unfortunately, technology is rapidly out-innovating your type [parasites], so your control potential here is already reaching its expiration date, I'm not sorry to say. You can blame the Internet and blockchain tech for that. I know what you're thinking: 'DAMNED TECHNOLOGY DISSOLVING BARRIERS TO HUMAN FREEDOM!')

First off, Step 1
Get a hold of the minds of the kids, you must make schooling mandatory - that is, follow the ancient Prussian soldier-creation model for mentally reducing free will to order following, using the school system and the concept of "submission to authority" -- check!
Up next...

Train them through BOTH overt as well as subliminal schooling and media that you, the parasite government class, are awesome and necessary. Oh, and no matter how much you take their freedom away, it's really "to protect their freedom". Tell them that thousands of times until they repeat this lunacy verbatim. Loyalty to the parasite class = loyalty to God and country - check!
Next on the agenda...
Relentlessly hunt down all the most desirable resources around the globe using the stolen loot of trillions that you extorted from your loyal schooled children who are now grown. You may then notice that annoying 'free' people already live on those resources ... but then you will remember that you already have millions of loyal tax cattle who will support you bombing pretty much anyone if you just say the word "threat" or "terrorist". Remember to get all your buddies in suits and offices in your 'government' to say it too and say it's official.

Definitely don't forget this next part, it's KEY--
Tell your loyal, schooled, dumbed-down tax cattle that every place in the world is a "threat" to your power, especially when you need their resources and you'd rather steal quickly than go through that long hassle of building strong consensual relationships trading nicely.<.center>
Throw in some nice short video edits of cheesy actors lopping off heads (it doesn't even have to look convincing, seriously, just have your CIA pals bring in their college intern video editors, they'll be ISIS or some other goat-herder for you if you pay enough).
Any time you have people show filming of other 'countries' only talk about how chaotic it is, and film short clips of small pockets of a square mile where some people are actually fighting. Your tax cattle scare easy now, and they are so successfully dumbed-down by 12,000 hours of Prussian-based (soldier-based) schooling that they believe any talking head who says other countries are scary.
{Another IMPORTANT NOTE} If you want the so-called Christian crowd to utterly abandon the Golden Rule, tell them some Christians got killed by your made up ISIS guys. Seriously, I know you're cracking up but this WORKS EVERY TIME.
Oh, and,
Call invasion "defense", and then threaten young military men with imprisonment for treason if they want to disobey orders once they have already signed up (and realized they're being asked to start fights with innocent civilians and shoot at strangers who aren't doing anything harmful).

The awesome part here is that now you can...
Rely on your several million cattle to cheer for the idea of shipping off young men to be war pawns, and then watch in effortless glee as your loyal subject class begin to police the logical, sane people who are getting out of line pointing out that it's the ultimate degradation of human life to go off to war and follow orders to murder strangers in a foreign land.
A neat part about this though is...
You will notice that when someone ACTUALLY shows they value the LIVES of troops, and says they don't want people shipped off to die in immoral wars, you will observe with happy satisfaction as your generations of forced schooling kick in and all the surrounding cattle defend you and your big bully parasite class buddies, telling the decent person they are a traitor for not wanting young men to die to line politicians pockets.

Last but not least, you need to remember to do this next part because none of this is sustainable forever, and sadly for you, humans are built with free will so they have a tendency--even subconsciously--to begin to figure out they aren't as free as they should be. They will innovate around your controls as soon as they feel the barriers encroaching...
So remember, if you want to ONLY steal, and produce NOTHING of value for anyone ever, but still be a serious baller for life on the backs of creative and productive humans...
PRINT THE SHIT OUT OF your own money, WHILE always keeping all the money you stole amongst you and your parasite buddies, and call it "laundering" when your cattle try to keep their money they rightfully earned without stealing,
Then, and most importantly, everyone...
Tell your loyal subjects they CANNOT use any money besides yours, or else prison. I know, sounds insane, but that's how you can print all the money you want and not produce anything. But have no fear... because at least for the moment, most are cool with that because school told them to be, and they actually believe your IRS gang is right to demand their money by force.
(Technically, the term profit comes from legitimate voluntary trades, so you aren't profitting, you're just a really clever thief, but hey, while you're bending morality and everything else, bending language is important too so as to keep your cattle class confused.)

And there you have it, you piece o--I mean, you ADORABLE noob psycho, you!
Successful violent parasitism for the win! You and your buddies can now sit back on trillions of dollars of stolen blood money, without having produced a thing, innovated anything, protected anyone or anything, and without having to take the risk of getting your hands dirty by doing the stealing yourself (the IRS is your hired gang, that's what they're for, to absorb all that yucky risk that comes with violating peaceful people!)
Call invasion "defense", and then threaten young military men with imprisonment for treason if they want to disobey orders once they have already signed up (and realized they're being asked to start fights with innocent civilians and shoot at strangers who aren't doing anything harmful).

The awesome part here is that now you can...
Rely on your several million cattle to cheer for the idea of shipping off young men to be war pawns, and then watch in effortless glee as your loyal subject class begin to police the logical, sane people who are getting out of line pointing out that it's the ultimate degradation of human life to go off to war and follow orders to murder strangers in a foreign land.
You will notice that when someone ACTUALLY shows they value the LIVES of troops, and says they don't want people shipped off to die in immoral wars, you will observe with happy satisfaction as your generations of forced schooling kick in and all the surrounding cattle defend you and your big bully parasite class buddies, telling the decent person they are a traitor for not wanting young men to die to line politicians pockets.

So remember, if you want to ONLY steal, and produce NOTHING of value for anyone ever, but still be a serious baller for life on the backs of creative and productive humans...
PRINT THE SHIT OUT OF your own money, WHILE always keeping all the money you stole amongst you and your parasite buddies, and call it "laundering" when your cattle try to keep their money they rightfully earned without stealing,
Tell your loyal subjects they CANNOT use any money besides yours, or else prison. I know, sounds insane, but that's how you can print all the money you want and not produce anything. But have no fear... because at least for the moment, most are cool with that because school told them to be, and they actually believe your IRS gang is right to demand their money by force.

Absolute truth and very well written. I love it! And indeed, parasites is what they are. The main reason why I don't want my kids in school, they don't need to be brainwashed by teachers who only follow orders and 'teach' them to become sheep like they are. People need to hear this message over and over, and hopefully wake tf up.
Great post the real truth! A rare resteem for you to spread these wise words!
I would like to fully know about this topic, would you please tell me the whole thing
Well said! I pretty much agree with everything. Hmmm