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RE: An Open Letter To Donald Trump... (And His Supporters)...

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I think National Geographic identifies this guy's species as a Trumpanzee... Next time you want to try to convince me of something, try to get someone slightly more articulate - and wearing a shirt... I did suffer through 3 1/2 minutes though (SUFFER THROUGH) n granted he makes a few valid points, but none of his conclusions are based in reality. What do you think the outcome is going to be after the 2018 congressional elections when a huge portion of the Republicans loose their seats? ( I doubt he makes it that long)

Something tells me this is more like the reality we'll see...

What really interests me about the whole thing, is even after four of Trumps inner circle are either facing charges or taking a deal to save their own skin, people still deny that there is anything wrong with what this bunch did- it amazes me...
Give yourself an honest answer to this question - What would your position be if Obama did even two of the ignorant things the orange clown is accused of? I said honest... :0


My reply was too long so I made a post out of it because of Capitalism.

Have you read my favourite leftists?