Donald Trump winning the elections has been the inspiration for some extremely odd behavior. It has seemingly turned many attorneys, politicians, and mainstream media "journalists" into archaeologists.
Why do I say this?
They keep making public insinuations of crimes committed by President Donald Trump mostly fixated on Russia, though they literally keep excavating further and further in the past. I know I am not alone in considering the entire process a farce and ridiculous at this point. I actually thought that quite early even before the inauguration as they spoke of the Russian Hacking which I actually know quite a bit about and could see the lies being spun for political and propaganda purposes.
Yet it was yesterday that I had a mental image of these lawyers, politicians, and mainstream media "journalists" who keep moving from one point to another going further and further back in time as dusty old archaeologists that have already decided what the history was and they are digging holes all over the place looking for that piece of evidence to support their preconceived narrative.
In other words, they are very biased and poor archaeologists.
They have continually announced they have damning evidence. Which does not manifest. They keep moving from one point of guilt to another, and announce the evidence is there. No evidence appears.
This has been going on for about 10 months now if we consider it began when they were shocked the plan to elect Hillary Clinton failed. It is also ironic that we had evidence of Hillary's crimes of which there are legion and she is not only allowed to do them, they wanted her badly as their president.
The latest I heard of with Trump was that they were looking into a Golf Course he was a member of quite some time ago. I know they've also looked into whether a huge real estate owner might have rented property to a Russian.
I shake my head at the pure idiocy of it all but what shocks me more is when I see people buying into it as though it has any merit.
I actually think some of these people should be charged with sedition. The circus act needs to move on and quit wasting time, and money focusing on digging holes in the past.
...the entire process a farce and ridiculous at this point. YESSS agree 100% polit clown theatre. I like Zappa´s quote:
"politics is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex."
The Russian narrative is nothing new. I think they just like to put Trump alongside as he is a goofy guy making for a whole lot of sensationalism putting the two together...
So much is being revealed for us to see today. The US post-election period has been characterized by lots of jaw-breaking revelations.
Something is really off about all of this.
Either the MSmockingbirdM is really in a tizzy over Chump, or its all smoke screen hiding something much more nefarious.
Chump is definitely shaking things up, just by his presence. But I do not know if he is doing good or evil. Whether his intentions are to do good or evil.
One things if for certain is that the MSmockingbirdM is not reporting any news. So it gets hard to base any judgements on facts.
The journalists will never admit when they are wrong. Your archeology point is right on. They will keep desperately looking for any scraps, no matter how small and inconsequential, to latch onto to "prove" they were right all along.
Real journalism based on facts and relevance has all but disappeared. Certainly in the mainstream. Sadly sensationalism rules the day.
for people so "concerned" with the Russian menace...
You got it.
Is there a Rep.,or Dem out there that is not guilty of treason ,and conspiracy to defraud the American people?
We the people need to prosecute the whole lot!
About time we clean the up the mess that we have allowed to accumulate!
Maybe once we are all together in FEMMA camps we will start to work together...
All I know is that there will be blood,the Q. is will we continue to sit blindly by and let it be ours or if we will stand together and stop the Bankers,and Elites War on us!
Thank you @dwinblood for all you do.
Here is to steem cleaning the mess! and fostering change!
That is why I played devils advocate on your rant about history. There are way too many biased, corrupt and sometimes just incompetent people allowed to shape the narrative.
As far as the person Trump : I always respected him for being rather straight forward. However I tend to judge people by their actions. If someone is having some Russians hookers pee on him I could not care less, it is the actions that impact me that I am concerned with.
Trumps Actions as a President are rather lackluster until now. It is cool that he tries to bypass and expose the disinformation Aparatus of the msm, but thats about it. He fired bonbs in Syria, further sanctioned RU and continued the the "war of words" on NK.
Great news
I'm ambivalent about this, but I would have voted for Putin over Hillary anyway, so it doesn't matter.
They're this kind of archaeologist: