That's the problem. I am not.... Read my blog and you'll see a lot of anarchist writings. I don't write them as often now as there are people who joined after I did that seem to have those bases covered.
My initial post to him had ZERO to do with me being a leftist. It's pretty funny I've been called a LEFT, I've been called a RIGHT. It all depends upon whom I disagree with.
Me disagreeing with people using generalizations does not mean I am part of the group he is generalizing about.
That is another assumption and logical fallacy.
I've been part of the RIGHT as an infiltrator as a delegate in the GOP in 2008 and 2012. I was a Ron Paul supporter and considered myself a Libertarian.
Eventually I discovered Anarcho Capitalism and if I must choose a LABEL that is the closest to what I am. Yet ultimately I am an INDIVIDUAL. No label fits me completely except perhaps HUMAN.
I have been called leftist extremist and right extremist for one post once. After that I was very comfortable with most haters.
Hahaha.... that is pretty funny.