Where is this food located? Who is going to distribute it? How are they going to distribute it?
How are you going to clean the water? How are you going to distribute it?
Who is going to teach the teachers? Where? For how much time? Are you going to force people to be teachers by gunpoint?
None of those problems is easy. All of them take a lot of coordination and effort by a lot of people.
"Where is this food located? Who is going to distribute it? How are they going to distribute it?"
why do the specifics matter? #1 we throw away most of it, #2 whoever we want #3 probably vehicles designed to ship food
we have the resources, that's all that matters
Oh my fucking god hahahaha ok. Yes, the specifics DO matter, that's why we have a science called economics, also logistics. But given your answers, I won't bother your any further; there's no point.
I am not part of the design team. We have the resources, that has been proven and that's all I need to prove.
I do not need to figure out the specifics myself.
"How are you going to clean the water? How are you going to distribute it?
Who is going to teach the teachers? Where? For how much time? Are you going to force people to be teachers by gunpoint?"
#1 produce tools to clean the water, #2 use our fucking resources to make some
The ussr had more doctors per capita than the usa. It turns out if you give people the opportunity instead of just watching them starve to death or forcing them to work with inefficient machines we can get more done and people can do other stuff
and no, I will not do it at gun point. That's what you capitalists do. You hold every starving worker at gun point, just to keep him away from the food made for the higher classes in first world countries.