You've made the case that SS is not a Ponzi by definition and that these safety nets exist for a reason.
You have not made a case for why the people should be paying this tax under threat.
You also haven't made a case for why SS is sustainable, which is why Musk called it a Ponzi.
If the entire argument is based on semantics and the definition of what 'Ponzi' means it's not a very strong one.
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This should be changed. If you want out, you should be able to be out. it should be voluntary.
It's not sustainable as it stands currently, it needs reform. I'll grant you that without a fight. I accepted Elon using hyperbolic language to make a point. But nuanced thinking is not a common feature of us 'mericans.
my point is simply this: "lets not throw out the baby with the bath water" - Can we fix this?
It doesn't need to be fixed it just needs to be thrown in the garbage.
The obvious solve is to just start over with a UBI system.
SS was invented when gold and silver were considered the actual money.
It was invented because you couldn't print money out of thin air.
None of the economic logic that SS was predicated upon has existed for generations.
You're absolutely right.
In this computer age, just print all money directly into each person's account, and let it be equal per person. Whether or not a person pays into the system or not might simply enable a bonus, making it truly UBI for everyone, but with bonuses for those who contribute in different ways.
But I dunno - I'm just throwing ideas around.
Well, I happen to believe UBI is the way to go, so no argument from me there. I just don't think it's going to happen in my lifetime.