
Ideally I would want a third party to win, but the system is rigged against that. So out of these 2 choices, I greatly favor Trump and predict that he will win.

This is based on a combination of the analysis of prediction markets and sales strategies. For prediction markets, Trump's odds currently range from 25-45%, and they have been steadily increasing for the past few months.

Examples: "Love Trumps Hate" is a terrible slogan for Hillary. It sounds more like it's in favor of Trump. You cut out the last letter and it becomes "Love Trump's Hat"... and what's one Trump's Hat? "Make America Great Again."
For sales techniques, look to #MAGA appeals to people's nostalgia and is also a message that has universal positive appeal. No American doesn't want America to be great again. "Love trumps hate" is very ambiguous. Who loves? Who hates? All you see is the word "trump" in the middle and it further gets Trump's name out there and reinforces his brand.

It was also a genius move for Trump to declare that Flight 804 was a terrorist attack immediately. It's irrelevant if he's right or wrong. Apparently it's still a mystery now. The expected value payout for being right vs wrong is not balanced. Betting wrong, he will be laughed at for a week by liberals who he won't convert anyway. Betting right, due to the average person being very easily fooled by randomness, he could be seen as a prophet and a secure choice for combating terrorist.

It was also a genius move to debate Sanders for charity. This cuts Clinton out of a huge debate, reducing the media attention on her and increasing the media attention on Trump. This is also a great opportunity for Trump to show that he is not as evil as liberal media portrayed him to be. He can redeem himself and show his personable and charitable side in front of all the Sanders supporters, some of whom will defect to him after the primaries.

The chances of Trump winning are continuously rising. I project something like this for the general election.
Trump 47%
Clinton 39%
Johnson 6%
Stein 2%
Other 6%

Up sorry I click the wrong button

No worries. They should really allow you to unvote in the system, let's say within 5 min of voting. I guess if they allow you to change voting for an indefinite amount of time, it would mess with the equity distribution, but a few min is reasonable in case of mistakes.

Prediction: Trump.

I am for Trump too

If we're gonna put a nut in the White House let it be Jesse Ventura or John McAfee. These presumptive candidate nuts are stale.

@brownst3r that sounds like Hillary vote :)