- President Rodrigo Roa Duterte flipping off the EU
Duterte Can't Take Critics
From calling US President Barrack Obama's mother a whore, to dropping the F Bomb on the United Nations. President Rodrigo Duterte is not done screwing every critic over. Recently Duterte told the European Union in a press conference: "Fuck you." and flipped them over with the dirty finger.
Even the EU is scolding me. When I was mayor, that was OK but it is different now because I am the president. Why would you insult me?
- Duterte, on EU's criticism on his brash words and immoral war on drugs
As I said earlier this isn't the first high profile recipient of Duterte's dirty mouth. He's flipped over countless other local critics and journalists and politicians alike. This tough talking attitude seemed to have won the masses' hearts for some retarded reason I cannot comprehend.
The best for the country? More like sleeper agent.
Most people don't notice him slowly increasing relations with communist countries like China and Russia, buying arms from them, and increasing military presence all over the country. He's killed over 3000 people in the war on drugs he waged since he became president. Though it isn't quite over. There are still many more high profile drug lords on the loose, only cutting off the poor poverty striken drug dealers and leaving off the huge drug cartels coincidentally also mostly brought in by China.
What a hypocrite
After bashing the Catholic Church on sheltering drug addicts scared the shit out of their lives and questioning God on how he allows children and mothers to be killed by criminals, he completely overlooks how he's killed a 4 year old and several innocent people in the "drug war", wherein now he consequently tells the media that he has to re evaluate his "kill list". Thanks Duterte. Makes everyone a whole lot more secure knowing you don't know who you're killing.
At least he's solving the overpopulation problem (y)
Oh, and no mercy to the drug lords right? Wrong. He just gave immunity and more benefits to several convicts that testified against previous Department of Justice Chief Leila De Lima. What happened to the war on drugs? Is it really a war on drugs or a war on the poor?
You decide.
Very well said.
Philippines is a beautiful place and this leader has got so many citizens in love with him but they are only seeing the parts he shares.
This tough talking attitude seemed to have won the masses' hearts for some retarded reason I cannot comprehend.
Trump uses similar techniques and he has a significant base. So, yea....