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RE: Terrorism or Random Acts of Violence?

in #politics7 years ago

Thanks for the great comment, as always. Yes, once we accept that things aren't what they seem, it becomes very hard work to wrap our minds around it. I went down the rabbit hole a few years ago when the San Bernadino shooting in Cali went from 3 shooters to 2 overnight and both of them were killed immediately. No answers provided on motivation or anything. Instead we get the "iPhone can't be unlocked" BS where Apple supposedly stands up for our rights by refusing to unlock the phone, which thousands of people said they could do for free. Somehow, our national security groups couldn't manage it? yeah right. Once I saw that play out I started revisiting other incidents and facts don't add up. They just get labeled as "terrorism" or "gun violence" and the sheeples swallow it whole. This has led to some sleepless nights as I try to game theory it all out. Now, part of me thinks that I've just gone insane. lol Rabbit hole indeed.