Not saying I disagree with that, but at the same time, the current democratic process takes entirely too long to get anything done. In that regard, I like they aren't messing around. Though, it does have kind of a tyrannical feel to it.
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The real issue isn't democratic inefficiency, but corruption. The longer an institution exists, the longer it's security has been challenged by corruption. The facility with which corruption penetrates institutional hierarchies is built into them, because that is actually their primary purpose. They are vectors for profiteers to fatten on the public purse, first and foremost.
Antisocialist hammers this point constantly, that government arose when first a gang armed up to farm the neighbors instead of the land, and this is the essential fact of government, that it is designed to be the biggest, most powerful gang of thugs on the block, and thus able to depend on fleecing the sheeple, who can in turn expect to be protected from unrestrained taxation from an insuperable variety of gangs that prevent them from conducting commerce by those depredations.
This unrestrained taxation is explicitly revealed to have done exactly this on Hive, as the ~1M users that overcame onboarding and UI learning curve to post on the platform beginning in 2017 have been taxed off the platform, leaving we few thousand survivors of that winnowing. While the egregious bidbotting also contributed, flagging away 100% of users' rewards was the mechanism that prevented token distribution from disturbing the monopoly on governance ~36 whales have continuously maintained, while the Founder's stake didn't participate in governance, and when Hive was created to escape that tyranny when it did after Steemit was acquired by Sun.
We'll see if the Trump administration proves to be different from other political gangs by failing to restore pipelines to purloined property that taxation is to it's oligarchy, but Stargate has already proved to me it is no different from other political gangs. I reckon it will just take time for cultists to accept they've been bamboozled yet again and accept the reality when they can't deny it anymore.
It is the Elon's Starlink constellation that will be supplying the video to Ellison's AI surveillance social credit overlord, so the profiteering of the Trump oligarchy began immediately, the $500B Stargate scheme being announced on the 2nd day of the Trump administration, IIRC. As vile as the DIE racism and propaganda of the previous administration was, I am convinced Stargate will be orders of magnitude worse, with no apparent way to end it presently foreseeable.
Yes, the process is cumbersome and annoying, I won't defend it's efficiency, it's not efficient. But, as with many other things in life, it evolved to be this way.
In parallel, keep this in mind:
I would like to believe that the slow process of progress, if any has actually happened lately, is how we filter out bad ideas from good ones, polish out ok ones, and end up with the closest thing we can to a democratic goal.
Otherwise, as you correctly point out, we end up with authoritarian flavored coffee for breakfast.
Now, the thing is, we do have historical precedence for this type of behavior. It's not like this is the first time we are witnessing it.
This is not to say it's going to play out precisely the same, but we do know that's it's never a good idea to play with fire next to dry leaves.