Excellent posting, thank you! :) reblogged.
What people who have never contemplated further and more deeply about their own existence and how the world is, what they lack is the insight that we are mental beings who construct our world view and create our truths within this culturally shaped construct. As Alan Watts once so humorously remarked, the response of a foreman who sent a day labourer away during the Great Depression was to say, "We've run out of inches".
Those who do not consider such things and think to themselves that there is an indubitable materially determined world believe in principle every explanatory model in relation to a determinable phenomenon. Laboratory conditions are, so to speak, a very limited attempt to isolate the innumerable factors of a phenomenon from the outside world and to mark the few factors that enter into the calculation as the only real ones. This is, of course, ridiculous if you only think about it once.
Since we are such consummate creators of our reality, one could just say that we should not concentrate so much on what causes fear, but rather on what gives pleasure, what can unfold artistically. Everyone is an artist, whether he is a gardener or an architect or a construction worker.
I know a colleague of whom I would make the assessment that she believes neither in the dangerousness of Corinna, nor in the dangerousness of vaccination. She is of a rather fundamentally serene disposition. In such serene moments, I also tend to take this stance. But I just know that not all people share this and that the compulsion that is now being exerted relates more to the compulsion to believe in something that so obviously tells an apocalyptic story.
For me, it is that people are still animated by a deep superstition and that all modern achievements about man's dominion over nature also only stem again from a kind of deeply rooted myth that fears in natural phenomena something like the wrath of the gods or the tides or the creatures. Whether these are called the God of Thunder or DNA is not so different as many have chosen to believe.
Just as we laugh at our ancestors today who hid in a cave out of fear during a thunderstorm, thinking some mightiness caused it upon them, for they did not worship the gods, people from the future might laugh at us in the same way.
So, we think we must sacrifice ourselves to the religion of pseudo-science and take the cure. An infantile belief in being saved from the unknown and from evil. Listening to the priests of "evidence". LOL.
Greetings and cheers!
I used to listen to Alan Watts before going to sleep. Very soothing voice.
"But I just know that not all people share this and that the compulsion that is now being exerted relates more to the compulsion to believe in something that so obviously tells an apocalyptic story."
Possibly because we all know one day we die.
"Whether these are called the God of Thunder or DNA is not so different as many have chosen to believe."
This shows how we as people have not matured enough to evolve past group think beliefs.
"So, we think we must sacrifice ourselves to the religion of pseudo-science"
Religion or cult? unsure at the moment, I do though prefer cult.
What a super reply yet again. Thank you my friend from over the border. Superb.
:) thank you, it sounds good to being called a friend.
I think though, that we are super-ripe to go beyond superstition (what you call group think), at least, the potential lays in the open. The absurdity of this time is a great chance to look through it. I mean, how obvious shall it get? In the long run, that is what I like to believe, this new apocalyptic scenario got more people to re-consider their world view or to request what they formerly believed in in a more profound way. At least this counts for myself. From a moderate freedom loving mind I turned into someone, which questions now almost everything I believed in so far.
Cheers, friend.