How much has the Overton window moved.

in #politics7 years ago

Thomas Sowell once said

 If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labelled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago and a racist today. 

That was said in 1998 (reference) the window has moved even further left since then. How much has it moved since, well today there is more Marxist in social science than republicans (25% to less than 3%), the MSM media has started to embrace the extreme left talking points, white supremacy, 3rd feminist pay equality (pushing equality of outcome) see Jordan B Peterson vs Cathy Newman on channel 4 to get an idea. 

No matter how much their argument gets batted down, the gate keepers keep pushing the narrative of the extreme left. Being libertarian is now way outside the Overton window. John Kasich the republican Ohio governor,  wanting so much to be loved by the media that there is not a position on the left he fully disagrees with, even him is falling outside the Overton window, or almost.

What does this entail, this means the Overton window is getting to a singularity, putting so many people outside of it, repression is bound to increase. We see some of it with the attacks on the 2nd amendment, and let's not forget the Democrats wanted to modify the 1st amendment to include free speech and their "bêtes noire" Citizen united. Basically, it would give the government fewer roadblocks to attack individual rights.

Just to expand on the citizen united, this is corporate free speech, the logic is corporate entities are allowed to produce without restrictions content that could be relevant to an election. The sound logic was the MSM itself does as much spending during an election pushing a certain message or narrative. Other corporations should not be hamstrung by law, it goes against free speech. Antonin Scalia (majority opinion) was absolutely correct in this.

The attack on basic rights like the 1st and 2nd is worrisome for things to come, it indicates an authoritarian bend the US is taking. If you want to see some insight into what they are trying to do, look no further than Canada and the UK, where  citizens' right to self-defence is all but illegal, free speech is limited  (hate speech being illegal, and in the category of hate speech more and more items are added) and in some case compelled. Orwell would be appalled his novel has come to fruition.

Until the MSM start to reflect more the values of their citizens and stop pushing the regressive left narrative, the marginalization of the majority will continue and may lead to an explosive reaction. If it does not, it would mean either the left lost or the liberty minded individuals will have been subdued, and thus accelerating western civilization destruction.


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