Steem Cleaning Corruption in Politics (Musings on the Power of Steem to Change Lives)

in #politics9 years ago

As I sit here a new comer to steemit, having only posted an introductory blog thus far, I can't help but muse and ponder upon the greater implication of decentralized cryptocurrencies and what it could mean in relation to politics. The notion of giving real economic power directly to the content creator is revolutionary in my opinion and I wait in patient anticipation looking forward the impacts that can truly be had on the world at large.

We all know that politics is ruled and corrupted by money

I don't think I have to go into explaining the dynamics involved when the power to create and influence the value of currency is combined with the ability to effectively buy representatives who will do all in their power to ensure that the system which enabled them to gain a seat of power remains the dominant active force. It is no big secret that cryptocurrencies of all kind threaten the stranglehold that central banks have in controlling and influencing not only the issuance, creation and valuation of new money supplies but also that which is held over the political arena where accepting campaign contributions in exchange for an assured vote one way or another is the name of the game.

So how can cryptocurrencies like Steem really make a difference in politics?

When content creators are given direct and proportionate value for the content that they create it allows bloggers in the vein of such areas as political activists to generate funds to help expand their message and projects into new areas not available without substantial financial security. I can already see the tide shifting as the power of wealth creation and thus influence over the political affairs of everyone's respective nation of origin shifts back into the hands of the individual creators, empowering the leaders and pioneers and freethinkers alike the power to truly create and thus compete in the world.

Cryptocurrencies Give Me Hope For The Future

As technology matures along with the emerging global society's understanding of crucial elements of how dynamic systems (such as economies) function I am filled with hope that humanity is truly entering an age where a true and fair shot at the power of wealth creation is given to the underdogs, the rebels, the weirdos (screw all you "cool" kids, weirdos rock your fucking socks off!!!) and the dreamers. Count me among all of those and right now as I grow tired of the same old, rewardless platform that has become most other social media platforms (you know which one we're all thinking of) I'm hedging my bets with steemit. I'm determined to buckle down, create content and help grow the platform. I already love writing but I've never really had an opportunity to blog that didn't feel like just talking to a wall (ahem). Granted, I'm in an ocean of content being created and right now I'm just a minnow swimming with whales (Hey, are there any sharks in the water perchance? No? Can I sign up to become a shark? Kidding...we all know what sharks typically represent. Perhaps they can come to represent sharp wit and a keen sense of smell when it comes to tapping into the blood life, flow and essence of a people. Not that I'm claiming to be such, but one can dream, yes?).

The fact is that I love writing and I love the advent of social media. And I like having money (no harm in speaking the truth. I think the allure of this platform is obvious. And I'm not even going to be shy about asking for a bit of love from the big swimmers because I have content galore in the pipeline and trust me when I say if I can start bringing in some actual income with this platform I will most definitely stick around and be in it for the long haul. Why the hell not? Disrupt the bullshit and get fucking paid? Obviously I already said sign me up!)

In Short: Cryptocurrencies Enable Everyday Individuals

In short cryptocurrencies enable everyday individuals the power to buy politicians the same as major corporations do. And when people are given the power to buy back their governments (I know that it is a sad fucking fact that we are in a position where we are having to either buy back or completely dismantle our governments but it is what it is) then wealth stays where wealth belongs, with the content creators and those who provide the medium of exchange.

Viva La Revolución!

::Ethos out::