
Fair enough and good to hear that we agree on threats! My pointjust being that in a hyphotetical VR that could interact with your physical senses, threats like these can lead to rape. right?

I might be a dreamer but I don't think we're too far away from making VR close enough to reality for this to become a problem. But while we still can't 'touch' in most VRs today I think you're right that's not a problem now. If you we're only commenting on right now and no plans for the future I think we agree. And of course this is my very personal beliefs on us making faster technological advances than social and that VR could at some point become even completely indistinguishable from reality.

Hope you don't feel like I just changed the parameters again I'm just trying to take the discussion further because I felt that's what the original story was about, predicting the future a bit. Thank you for answering!