
So there are folks besides the investors in oil, who don’t want or see a future where we won’t rely on fossil fuels to fuel our world? Auto makers are committing to bet on a 100% electric future, battery plants like Tesla’s are being developed around the world, there are a few battery technologies in dev that will completely revolutionize what’s capabable with electric power. I don’t see how the tide isn’t going in that direction. And I’m not sure how anyone couldn’t see this future as imminent, or why they wouldn’t want it.

yup...I'm totally confident that you think that.

Hmm. I think this is my first encounter with s troll on steemit. I was actually curious as to why one wouldn’t want this future. Or if there were actually some alternative facts I’m missing. Best wishes 🍻

You are reading into my statements what I am NOT saying.
I admit I'm having fun baiting you.
The thing is..."oh my god it's BIG OIL"
(or big pharma, or big something) is a trigger that I can't resist.

If it wasn't for oil we'd still be killing whales for you want that?

as with all technologies there's the S curve...
as with all technologies they will be replaced when something better comes along..

BUT...if you impede the technology in question (oil) it will only delay the process of it's being replaced by a better alternative..

which is why I love to bait people who say what you do.
because you are delaying the implementation of that which you say that you want.

tell long have you been working for big oil?

Nice! I guess it can be pretty fun baiting people. I haven't encountered that here on Steemit yet, so I was more apt to respond. There was a period where I was more active against oil. I believe it's fate is sealed. I'm also not in love with modern life. This way or that way, people survive and die, struggle, laugh, and find meaning in whatever context they are placed in. What has brought about the worst of suffering has been governments and empires. if you're ready to get serious...
you might find it useful to read this.
Humanification: Go Digital, Stay Human
How Technology will Advance Humanity Towards a More Meaningful Future
it's free. Only takes a couple of hours to read.
It explains a LOT..