
On 4chan posts on this topic are being deleted at an unprecedented rate.


All the posts marked (Dead) have been deleted. There is an active team of moderators frantically deleting posts on this thread. Thousands of posts are being made and it looks like most are being deleted immediately.

Narrative control is being desperately attempted.

I don't think it will work. Too many folks know what's up, and too many names have been revealed.

We'll see what comes of it.

the fact that the posts are being deleted tells us something all by it self.

Nice to see you back! With such news it's hard to resist the impulse to share your views!

resistance is futile.

Welcome back. Glad to see you haven't shuffled off this mortal coil.

maybe not so much 'shuffle' anymore.
Limping, with a cane, would be more accurate.

The Clintons delivered a rope in a cake.

Hey! What brings you back?

I was taking a break

"...taking a break"

Glad to see the break is healing. At least I hope your presence here indicates it is.

because of his earlier suicide attempt, was in a special area of the lockup where he was monitored 24/7. He was wearing paper clothes with which he could not have hung himself,” he said, “and he was given blankets which he could not use to hang himself.”

i'm still kicking ;-)

beats the alternative don't it?