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RE: The Death of History in the USA

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Observing these privileged, middle class, 'educated' youths tear down history because it goes against their moral beliefs is one of several recent red stamps on the demise of civilisation. At the same time, these youths preach equality, tolerance and open-mindedness - as long as it's equality for them, tolerance for things they do, and open-mindedness about things they agree with.

Let's make this a Protest Poster for the millennials to revolt against next!

I agree so much with this statement. We are the United States of America. The Land of the Free. These motherf&*^ers need to wake up and read the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights before they join up with these idiotic CULTS who are picking and choosing the pieces that they can relate to and agree with and think that that's OK.



I'll drink to that! And I'll drink whatever culturally appropriated drink I please!

I appreciate that you even sourced a comment image by the way!

Haha, thanks. I didn't source it at first (since it's from pixabay and doesn't require to use a source. Buuuut for whatever reason, I always feel the need to source everything nowadays).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to some drinks very soon... It's Friday and it's getting closer to the 5 o'clock hour. And after reading this post, my blood started boiling again (everyone on the far left and right can leave my/our beautiful country if they disagree with it so much)!

I was jealous that you used a sub, so I wanted to use one too.

hahah sorrynotsorry