Of all the BRICS nations only Russia has been able to keep the private, Vatican controlled, central bankers at bay. Brazil was making headway, along with Russia and China, in setting up their clearance system which competes against the US backed SWIFT clearance system. Along as China keeps borrowing from Wall Street banks, they will be left alone.
Russia, on the other hand, has done the unspeakable - kicked out the Vatican backed Rothschild owned central bank as well as the George Soros funded NGOs. This has essentially denied the US backed regime change forces access to Russian territory.
This is a multi-level chess game against Russia. The best way to understand it is to realize the old Roman Empire is alive but split between the Western Empire, represented by the Vatican and the Eastern Empire represented by the Eastern Orthodox Churches - Russian, Greek, Turkish and Ukrainian. It is only the Russian Church left to conquer to reunite the Empire. Once Russia falls, life on earth, as we know it will be forever changed and the Vatican backed Rothschild owned central banks will rule the world. That will be the dawning of the 1,000 year rule of the Fourth Reich where the pope will be declared god, the UN declared the one world government and the World Bank will be the only commercial bank. All currencies, except the official digital currency will be outlawed.
As the empire spreads to other planets in our solar system, there will be a resurgence of God's currencies - silver and gold along with the rebirth of the son of man - the Messiah.
Interesting note here. Thank you.