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RE: About The Forest Fires... This Is Not OK

in #politics7 years ago

I really think there are people who are letting this shit happen at this point. Sure, the lightning or the flat tire or whatever starts the fire, but I think sometimes there is a decision made in some dark, smoke filled room to let it burn. Makes great news, helps the budget. I know there are people who count on forest fires for their summer work now.
When my husband was a logger the summer job was planting trees and the guys in the woods were always the first to respond to forest fires. They rarely got out of control like these ones do now. Now they don't allow much logging so we have people who work the ski resorts in the winter and work fires in the summer. They will actually complain in low fire years. Honestly, I think a "bucket brigade" could have stopped this whole thing, but no one knew there was a fire and no fireman until it was too late.