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RE: Hey guys, I'm a Libertarian. I love Free Speech.

in #politics6 years ago

I hope it is not, cause what should we do otherwise? When we cannot talk to them anymore then the only option left is using violence. But then we are not really much better than them. And when violence has become normal there are a few people that benefit from this. Right and left-wing leaders emerge that claim to be the saviours of the people when all they do is fill their own pockets and secure their power by violence and suppression.

Also most of the nazis (at least the ones I know) do not want to kill minorities. These radical ones exist, but they are exceptions. They normal nazi has a shitty life and is often not very smart. They know that something is wrong with the world but cant figure out what. So they remember back when life was still better and find immigration as the probable cause, or women's rights, or whatever you want. So they start to oppose that. Then when they openly state their concerns they are lectured that they should not think that way and that they are stupid. Because nobody likes being lectured they show a defensive reaction and believe that the left is involved in a conspiracy together with the immigrants to destroy murica. They want to stop this and find likeminded people in some dark corners excluded form mainstream society. Now they are the resistance.

It may sound crazy, but from talking to nazis this is more or less what they believe. And they think they are the good guys just trying to save the ordinary American wanting to live a boring traditional life. In the end very few people think of themselves that they are evil. Everyone believes to be a force for the good in the world, but in reality most people are not. But I believe that by talking maybe we cannot convince them to get gay friends, but we probably can convince them that violence is bad and that global wars need to be stopped. And if we only do that, the world may become a much better place.