A common enemy? That is such a stone age mentality. If we absolutely need one here is a suggestion : human stupidity. And the most striking example of human stupidity is war. Because it is an event where one side will end up losing their life way before the time , while the other side becomes a murderer. Not exactly a win - win solution.
I think we can end all wars , forever , and never look back.
Instead we simply create a global super-society where every person without exception wins and there is no need any more for enemies anywhere. Instead we can simply live life to its fullest. Loving every second of it.
The one who has a solution to that my friend, that person has it all.
Unfortunately, just like here on Steemit, you cannot have people believe in something and others believe in something else and expect them to all get along. There are many wars started on religious beliefs. Good luck making those parties stop fighting ;)
Why should that be a problem? Of course people believe different things since we have different experiences and information and personalities. This only makes life more interesting. It makes it possible to learn new things from each other and expand the perspecives. Even people with very strong religious beliefs should be able to admit that they dont know everything there is no know. The parties should stop fighting as long as the fighting is in none of the parties interests. If they believe different things a better option than fighting is learning from the differences.
Well that's the thing. Some of the parties interests are cataloging the non-party people as enemies and demands action against them. This is the reality friend, let's not beat around the bush with it. There's no way to live 100% in peace atm. Don't even get me started on financial interests and puppeteers. On this last one, hopefully Steem will have a strong say.
Yes this issue with the parties and non-parties is a good point. No doubt it is reality. And yet it seems totally artificial since "party" is just an abstraction. Same with the political parties : abstract entities. Not that abstract entities need to be problematic. But when they are the kind of abstract entities which define themselves in opposition to other abstract entities, then I think they are quite useless. Kind of like the separation between "left" and "right" in politics seems useless. It is like this way of thinking which creates artificial conflicts out of thin air. And when people begin to identify with those kind of concepts the artificial abstract conflict suddenly turns into a real psychological conflict between people. People who may have been friends if they had not viewed each other through these artificial conflict-enhancing frames.
When it comes to financial interests and puppeteers this is obviously a complex issue. It seems related to a wish to control resources. However if we had a system where resources could be used superefficiently then maybe many of these problems could be sidestepped. And yes I really think the concept of steem can bring something useful to this. It will be interesting to see what way it will evolve. I do see the potential for a new economic model hidden here.
1 in 5 people are illiterate, so this is the "stone age", even if we don't want to recognize it. Yeah, war is the most stupid instrument that the mankind use. "Hard time create strong men, strong men create good times. Good times create weak men, weak men create hard time." The problem is that we are not really connected with each nation, each culture live a different time. Maybe one day we will be on the same page.