
One of the attempts was on her Twitter feed, live...I suppose someone could have hacked Twitter?

Almost anyone who "attempts" suicide and does not succeed was not really trying, they don't want to kill themselves, they want attention. Anyone who "attempts" twice and does not succeed is just trying to get attention. Anyone who "attempts" suicide live on twitter is just a total attention whore.

Are you a mental health professional?
I would love to see the research that verifies your assertions.

Are you trying to dox me?
You should look it up, the search terms will have to do with "attempted" and "completed" suicides. you should also look up how downvotes/flags work on steemit and reconsider your actions. If someone wants to die they will choose a means like a gun or jumping in front of a train, if someone wants attention they will take some pills.

Why do you take a shit upon Chelsea Manning, while also degrading the experience of people experiencing such a crisis in their life that they consider to, attempt to, or actually do take their life.
People in this type of mental health crisis need professional help. They don't need a fuckwad like you pissing and shitting upon the dark hole their life has left them in.

for starters that dude is a traitor. I see you have not yet fixed the flag of my comment, I am going to give you 24 hours to do so before I take a big shit on you Karl.
I am sure people who "attempt suicide" in twitter have loads of mental health issues, people who do take their lives and those who cry for attention on twitter are not the same. Poor traitor, don't commit treason if you don't want to be shit on.

How is exposing war crimes of the US Military make her a traitor?
That is actually a duty of ANY soldier.
She attempted to follow traditional whistle blowing avenues to no avail.
I understand you don't like her...and you probably love Trump, Bush and Obama bombing the fuck out of the planet...but...I don't like you making fun of people that you don't understand (those contemplating suicide).

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

Committing suicide is not that hard, if you 'attempt" twice and fail then you were not really trying. If you get revived from your "suicide attempt" and don't get a DNR when you try again then you don't really want to die, you just want attention. Why is that fact upsetting to you?

How long have you thought of yourself as a "hack fucktard idiot "? who first called you that?

When were you first called an "idiot"? Do prisoners have access to twitter, idiot?

Are you spamming the same comment with 4 replies? Seems desperate for attention. Do you respond to "idiot", idiot?

Aw, must have struck a nerve, did your suicide attempt fail?