"I suppose medical marijuana doesn't have THC in it."

in #politics8 years ago

Pennsylvania is made of interesting and beautiful land and people, however having lived in both Colorado and Pennsylvania has given me the perspective of truly seeing how different two areas of the United States can be.
Pennsyvania recently passed legislation allowing for the perscribed use of certain cannabis products. Instead of total prohibition, the Pennsylvania government will now allow those who suffer certain serious illnesses to use cannabis concentrates with a doctor's approval.

Colorado allows for the use of cannabis products by adults over 21 years of age. Adults can also grow cannabis plants. Colorado as a state is fairing arguably better than Pennsylvania in many ways. This begs the question: how can people in charge of other people in Pennsylvania be so ignorant?

Not only has there been no increase in crime, Colorado has seen a reduction in violent crime. The state government has been able to spend less of our money on arresting us for growing and consuming these plants while simultaneously generating sales tax revenue from the many marijuana dispensaries around the state.

Adults ultimately have more freedom of choice in Colorado.
Despite all of the glaringly obvious advantages of not prohibiting adults from using cannabis, the people in power in Pennsylvania continue to choose ignorance. They choose to maintain their beliefs without exhausting the mental energy to learn something new. Thus, the state will continue to use brutal force against peaceful people, creating ever more distrust of "those in charge." Keep it coming. It will only help accelerate this transition to a free world.
-from the Pike County Courier


I found CanniMed® Oil 18:0 incredibly effective during a recent battle with spinal stenosis and osteoarthitis... it required a medical prescription and eliminated more than half the pain within a matter of 3 or 4 hours. Following a recent medial nerve ablation, I no longer needed it. 18% THC worked like a charm, but the downside was difficultly in sleeping. Never did get around to trying their CBD oil.

That sounds like some good stuff. What state were you in when you were medicating?

British Columbia (Canada)

Is anybody using Dope Coin up there yet?

This is the first I've heard of it. Cannimed uses CC.

It's a great investment opportunity, with the bonus that you're helping people access cannabis in the future.
