Bring it, bitch!!!! None of them have Adam's "Split 50!" campaign insight. ...not to say any of them can't pilfer it, if they so choose. Adam just needs to continue what he started with his "Big Easy" book distribution act and no one will touch him. Amash isn't going to jump ship. He's got it too good in the GOP. And believe me, he doesn't want to be forced to deal with some of the LP baggage; he is a Constitutionalist... which does leave room for Prohibtions here and there. And taxation.
Again, Adam's only threat would come from a combo of John Stossel and Kennedy. Jesse Ventura is not a libertarian. Adam and he have a debate on YT. Pretty good action, actually.
But keep playing. Sooner or later you might come up with your magic bullet.
None of it's worth getting that excited over.
oh, but it is................................................................