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RE: Suffering in Poverty: Where is the Middle Class?

in #politics8 years ago

Nice response. I totally agree with you.
the U.S. minnimum wage is now at $9/hr. - that is under 20k/ year.
Which is basically worse than poverty level.
To be honest, It's a bunch of fucken bullshit that a multi-billion dollar yearly profit company like Mcdonalds would consider paying there employees working full-time a bullshit wage that keeps them under poverty level.
Shame on Mcdonalds, Burger king, Gas stations and Any other place that pays minnimum wage.
It shouldn't be called Minnimum wage but instead "Poverty Wage", because that is exactly were you will be if you have a minnimum paying job.
Anything less than the current Min. wage, and your life will be unrealistically unsustanable and will eventually lead to needing Government help...


The problem is not that McDonalds isn't paying enough, the problem is that US dollars are now worthless. Prices are going up because of inflation and people can't afford to survive. The solution is not to raise the minimum wage instead we should lower taxes, cut spending, stop printing money, and stop borrowing. For most people, the only jobs left are McDonalds and other low paying jobs. It is unfortunate, but we can't solve these issues if we don't look at the underlying issue. The issue isn't how much a business pays its employees, it is that the money in which they are paying has no value. In 1964 the minimum wage was $1.25, but was paid in silver quarters. Today each quarter is worth about $3.17 and that minimum wage would convert to $15 dollars an hour today.

So, the problem isn't the minimum wage, the problem is greed, you are saying that the minimum wage in 1964 was in fact higher than it is now, but the profits of these giant companies and banks has increase multiple times with only a fragment of the population enjoying these benefits.