The idea that plays (pun intended) right in to this post would be if Mark Zuckerberg runs in the next US presidential election. Arguably, he can not lose. (I assume that Facebook Inc is well into the blockchain technology at this point)
The other question that popped into my mind while reading this ... and using the US political system as my reference is ... today, are the political parties actually different? (Trump is an independent who is disguised as a Rep) All parties are trying to win the vote, and it appears from an outsider, that all parties are using the same Big Data in order to win that vote. Most of the politicians that you see on the media are no longer towing the party line, they are towing the popular vote line.
If all of the big data comes to the same conclusion on how to win the vote, who is leading who? (A: The Devlopers :-) )
The data scientists actually along with the algorithms.
The Geeks shall inherit the Earth.