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RE: The last days of White rule!

in #politics8 years ago

Why are kids and their families spending thousands of dollars and taking out student loans to go to these leftist academia indoctrination camps?
Can't they see that most of the Majors they offer are complete crap?
Don't they realize that these marxist degrees are worth less than used toilet paper in real jobs in the real world?

Untill the College bubble bursts, I don't see an end to this.


I agree. The student loan debt bubble is bulging and... can you foresee a bail out there too? We, as Americans, always bail out the elite. The banks... the automobile companies. Next up, in the batter box- Nelnet, Navient and all other student loan financial places.

Take that four year degree, get a minimum wage job and take 40 years to pay off. But wait! Those kids won't be paying off HIS or HER student loan... mommy and daddy will. I paid outright for my two daughters' and my own college degree. Six years worth of education paid for... by me.

Right, I hadn't thought of the money aspect. Imagine getting yourself in debt for the privileg of studying such crap.
Thanks for pointing it out!