SHOCK: Anarchist Antifa Don't Like Labels

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

Do you ever get the feeling that the mainstream media is willfully ignorant? In yet another case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, after the Trump administration claimed that antifa was infiltrating protests, Reuters published an article stating that there was little evidence of antifa links to the acts of violence across the country, tangentially related to George Floyd's death. They also claim that the only identifiable group charged was a group of three individuals tied to a boogaloo group (the group is about as popular as the name would have you believe) which wants to start a civil war.
Of course, every other charge is admitted left wingers, one stating he committed violence in a "fuck-it" moment. But because they didn't say they were antifa, guess what? Reuters says they aren't antifa. Sure. I was unaware that Reuters subscribed to the "no-name it and disclaim it" philosophy so strongly. I was under the impression that it was focused on investigation and news reporting. We're all wrong at some point, I guess.
What is particularly egregious is how Reuters states in the article that antifa is "an amorphous movement of primarily leftist anti-authoritarians" and that "[antifa] does not appear in any of the federal charging documents reviewed by Reuters," ---as if that provides any useful information.
The fact that someone doesn't claim the title "antifa thug" doesn't mean they aren't just that. I would like to see how that defense works in any other context. Oh, not a ISIS member? Sounds good Jihadi John. We believe you.
...But when the word beheading is in your "known for" section of Wikipedia, we start to have reservations. When your actions are Smashing Fascism™ with molotov cocktails and conveniently placed brick piles, we start to question.
Here's a link to the pointless article, if it pleases you.

