Portraying it as xenophobia is simply an Alinsky tactic to shame the person for not being one of the egalitarian tribe. The worst part about that is to listen to these high-minded liberals and libertarians who think adherence to that misguided principle is the only viable political position to take ... and everything else is just reactionary bullshit because your white-male-middle-class ox is being gored.
It has nothing to do with simply being the slightest bit discriminatory in who you as a person or, in the case of immigration, society consorts with. That's a crime to these people and it leads to the current state of affairs in Europe and for what passes for political discourse in both the U.S. and Europe.
People do not have to be forced nor should they be forced to associate with someone or some group they don't want to. It may be their loss... but it is THEIR LOSS, not yours.
OK, you're practically reciting my source.
I posted the start of a series about it today.
The Fate of Empires by Sir John Glubb. I first heard about it in the 2012 documentary The Four Horsemen.
It's surprisingly accurate in it's predictions, the essay, the documentary has a little sketchyness to it.