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RE: Europeans have had enough of Islam and their so called Religion of Peace !

in #politics8 years ago

Well its funny i totally agree with you about this whole thing being a PSY OP run by Mossad and CIA !! I am also aware of Alex Jones always being accused of being in bed with Israel ! Its true he never seems to confront this clear elephant in the room, if he is controlled opposition then he is really the master and well there is not much to say more than that as this level goes way above most peoples understanding ! But as for Tommy Robinson I think not as for a fact this poor chap has been sent to jail at least three times for his sins against the establishment !! The Divide and and conquer thing, sure I know this to be true as well ans this method is as old as Israel itself and its thier favourite method to destroy their enemies !! But the joining of hands between " fundamentalist muslims and Christians will never happen as even the moderate Muslims when interveiwed say themselves that they pu the Koran before any and that Christian western living is still seen by them as being " forbidden " and the way of the Infidel ! As for the Jews joining with us well..... thats will never happen as everyone else to them are just stupid " Goyim " and deserve no pity !


I think you might be generalizing both muslims and jews.I know a lot of moderate muslims and jews who are against the Federal Reserve cartel.For example,independent journalist Ali Syed from Newsbud has done excellent work exposing the corruption within NATO and various other things.

The whole idea that a particular religion is incompatible with Western/Eastern civilization is not only divisive but factually untrue.In my opinion,only when we are united regardless of race/religion/culture,will we truly be able to move beyond the manipulation by the Oligarchs.