Interesting concept about the sharing of revolutionary ideas to the mainstream. One example i can think of , is the xerox graphics computer interface shared with Steve Jobs in the 70s. Xerox never executed anything to do with that, but Steve jobs took it and changed the world in many ways later down the line with that idea in a portable form(iphone). Even though pretty much no one at xerox saw that potential and fell well behind Jobs and the rest of the industry, jobs pressed forward, bet a large portion of money on a thing completely going against the status quo.
Revolutionary ideas are often birthed inside forums encouraging content freedom. Steem blockchain is one of extremely few places online enabling these limitless freedoms.
Revolutionary Idea.... The political system can be improved through blockchain adoption, and better direct citizen governance/access is now possible. (we vote in steem about how our network is ran , and by who) This can turn out to even more important for populations with weak democratic governance.